Hello all! My name is Fabrizio Cleri, the author of this website, for which I take full responsibility in the likely case of legal suits. I am a would-be writer and reputedly-good cook, former musician, former photographer, failed golf player but quite good at ping-pong and darts, currently employed by the French Ministere de l’Education Nationale to teach biological physics and nuclear physics to university students in Lille. As a side activity, I collect old books and good wine bottles, do some bicycling around the flatlands between north France and lower Flanders, gained good skills at bricolage, care for a few tropical fishes in a small aquarium, and lead the physics division of IEMN (the local CNRS Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology).
Feel free to enjoy all the contents of these pages. For any comments or loathing, you can use the mail address below, I will try to answer at my best. (I try to be as friendly as possible, but note that for obvious safety the address is written backwards.)